$1.29 for a whole BAG of apples.
Aldi I do not like your coffee creamer and yogurt. You put sneaky trans fats and saturated fats in there, but I like everything else about you. I don't know what I would do without your amazing cheapness.
Now when can we get a Trader Joe's out here? We Kansans deserve some of your whole bean coffee (mmm...Wintry Blend) too! :::cough:::Christmas:::cough
half-cat-head biscuits
9 hours ago
Oh Wintry Blend you say? Hmm, I'll have to see if any wanders into my shopping cart the next time my mom takes me to T.J.s...lol. I love them for their cheapness and uniqueness but it is so far from my house!
I haven't seen an Aldi's since I lived in Kansas....
Oh Marie :) Thank you for your cuteness!
I wish there was an Aldi's here in the Springs...Sadly I haven't found one yet... but I'm keeping my eyes peeled...Lately I've benefited from the delight that is whole sale clubs like Sams and Costco.
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