I've been watching this little bug since she was 2 or 3 months old. I've grown pretty attached to her these past (almost) two years. In fact, in my heart, she's my 2nd daughter. Her little smile lights up my face and her zest for life brings me a ton of laughter. Oh, and unlike Addison, who won't "perform," Celia will say anything you teach her (which could be a bad thing) but is mostly funny like when she said "yucky jayhawk" out of the blue at the park when we were talking to a KU mom (Kyle taught her that one) and when she kept saying "Nobama!" over and over again yesterday afternoon because she knew it made me laugh. The best part is watching Addison's face light up every. single. day when Kyle's car pulls in the driveway with her little friend. They may fight and bicker like siblings, but Addison truly loves Celia.
Unfortunately, tomorrow Celia is going to a different daycare for the day as a trial run. As you know I'm expecting a baby in February. The Taylors had someone lined up for a few weeks while I recuperate, but this person backed out the other day. I found out on Monday that the only other person they could find said she could only fit Celia in if she starts watching her now. Like next week. So tomorrow, they're going to see how it goes. If all goes well, Celia will probably go to from now on. This is truly heartbreaking for me. The thought of someone else getting to hold her and care for her brings tears to my eyes. I am also feeling worried about the financial aspect of the situation. All in all, I could really use your prayers. I am probably jumping the gun in all of this because Celia hasn't even gone to the new person yet, but I am feeling sad and worried. I also ask that you pray for the Taylors. This decision isn't easy for them either (this is their child we're talking about here. They obviously want the best for her) and I know I sprung it on them by needing some time off in February. I need prayer for peace, regardless of what happens.
Thanks guys! I'll let you know what happens...
bubbly fruit salad obsession
1 month ago
Oh Marie, that's really hard! I will keep you in my prayers. I am sure it will all turn out alright. And I am really looking forward to joining you at your group study tomorrow. Thank you for the invite!
God knows what you can handle, financially and otherwise. Maybe having a newborn again will be more work than you remember, and this is God's way of eliminating the extra work of keeping Celia? I know she plays with Addison, and that's going to be hard for her too, but maybe Addison needs some alone time with you before the new baby comes and changes everything....
At least you know you've been helping out your financial situation for almost 2 years, and that is something you should be really proud of. If you hadn't had this job, you wouldn't have made as much progress eliminating debt as you have!
But who knows, maybe it won't work out and you'll get to keep Celia! It's really sad to say good-bye to them when you take care of them all day. That happened to me with a little girl when I left my job in Manhattan....I still think about her all the time!
I'm praying for you and for Celia's parents, that he will guide them to make the right decision.
I know we talked about this yesterday. But just remember that God is teaching you to trust in Him. Without these little lessons, we'd go through life relying on ourselves and never seeing our need for Him. So, count it all joy, either way. I know it's (potentially) sad and will be an adjustment but just keep your eyes towards the One who can see you through it!
Aww thanks for the encouragement everyone!
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