I ordered some diapers off of diapers.com today. It was an awesome deal! I got a 228 pack of size 2 pampers and a 42 pack of luvs for $40.97 w/ free shipping. At Sam's I would have paid $39.50 for a 264 pack of size 1-2 (Huggies), but I wasn't sure how much longer Ainsley would be in that size AND I like Pampers/Luvs better. Parents Choice and Target brand are still cheaper, but I decided the $5 extra was worth it for Pampers. I used a referral code to get $10 off. Because I just bought from them you could use this code: LITT7995. You can also send in manufacturer coupons ahead of time and they credit your account. Then, when you're ready to buy, they take them off automatically. Anyway, I'm not sure how often I'll use this site. I only tried it because of the $10 off and free shipping. Kind of nice to have diapers delivered to your house though!
I'm still semi-interested in trying cloth. We have a Bum Genius diaper that Ainsley looks so cute in, but I can't quite get Devin on board to shell out all that money upfront. Plus the laundry.... I am always behind on laundry as it that it is hard to imagine washing a load of diapers every single day on top of that. Ainsley goes through 10 a day. YIKES! But yes, I'm thinking about it...
Here are a couple of pics of these cute blocks that Keri made for the girls
Oh, and here's Ainsley NOT napping. Yes that's my shirt. She likes to sleep with it (normally).
bubbly fruit salad obsession
1 month ago
look at all of Ainsley's hair! She is getting so big. You need to give us some new pictures of your princesses! :) So cute & Congrats on your great deal!
As a user of Target diapers (I love them) I would have totally found it worth it to spend $5 for Pampers. If I wasn't such cheapskate I would be a pampers snob. :)
wow, ainsley's hair is really growing! i can't wait to hug her.
by the way: ainsley REALLY looks like eric in the crib picture. am i the only one who sees this? maybe it is because i lived with him when he was this age and so i remember how he looked.
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