This was a great weekend! Yesterday I took Addison to gymnastics and she went right in without throwing any fits at all. Last week was an entirely different story...
Then I went over to Kohl's and scored some awesome deals on some things for Ainsley and a pair of jeans for Addison.
After that I decided to peel my lazy butt from the computer chair and go for a run. It had been a week and I was definitely not in a running mood, but I knew I'd feel great if I just went for it. I accidentally ran 3 miles total. So incredibly difficult. By the end I was literally yelling at myself. Thankfully no one was around to hear me. I thought I had only gone two until I came home and told Devin the trail I ran on. He said it was 3. Well that explains why it was so hard. As many of you know I am NOT an athletic person by any means. I never participated in any sports growing up and am not talented in this area. It feels so good to have started this seemingly impossible goal and see progress. It's also scary too. It is scary for me to do things I know I won't be instantly good at, or to try things when I could possibly fail. Yikes. That is why I know I need to keep trying to do this.
Today Devin and I worked in the nursery with the 1 year old cuties. As much as I love holding itty bitty babies, I am in love with this age group. They're so loveable and cuddly and hilarious too. Then Kelly brought Elise up to church and joined us. It was fun to have them there with us.
Later on in the afternoon I went to a shower for Merah. She's pregnant with their third baby--a boy! She announced that they are considering moving back to Cayman. I was trying very had to be supportive, but inside I was thinking "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Please don't take my Merah, my first ever mom friend in Kansas City." Ouch. That would be a tough loss. First Rach moved away and I'm hearing rumors of other friends leaving too. Nope. Not thinking about it right now! la la la la.... I think the reason my wedding was such an amazing time was because I had all of my friends and family in one spot, and we all had so much fun together.
Anyway this is going to be a great week. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Plus my new tradition is to go to CVS at midnight the night before to get the black friday deals. Will you be joining me via cell phone this year Leigh Ayn? My parents and Devin were discussing what we were going to eat that day and I was naming off the usuals:
Turkey (duh)...check.
Mashed Potatoes...check.
Corn Casserole... Mom: "Well I was thinking about not making that this year" which was received by looks of horror from Devin and me and a "WHAT?!" from my dad. "We have to have corn casserole!" he said. My mom argued that it was too similar to stuffing and mashed potatoes. That just wasn't a good enough reason. I replied "I could make it."
"Have you ever made it before?" asks my dad.
"No, but if Eric can make it I can make it (no offense Eric!)."
"Well make it for Devin first and if he says it's ok then you can make it." There are some things you play around with, but corn casserole stays on the menu and that's that.
Oh and I broke out the Christmas music early this year. It started with Josh Groban's Little Drummer Boy and took a steep curve downhill with Amy Grant's Christmas album from 1983 that I found at the library. Oh so many childhood memories from that one. Once I broke out Mariah Carey's Christmas cd there was no turning back. So far Addison's favorite song is Sleigh Ride. It reminds me of dancing around my dorm room with Amanda to the Billy Gilman and Charlotte Church version. Yeah this one:
Happy Monday!
bubbly fruit salad obsession
1 month ago
What ever happened to Billy Gilman? Did he hit puberty and disappear? I used to say he was going to be the anti-christ.
Wow! You are a runner now! Good for you! I always hated when they made you run the mile in PE class. That is probably why LeeAnne and I would always walk it...and stop and pick flowers along the way. :)
I hadn't heard that Billy Gilman song in years! I instantly broke out laughing just now. Good memories!
I forgot all about Black Friday! Oh yuck! I have to drive to Atlanta that morning to pick up someone at the airport. I'm sure the traffic will be just lovely...yikes.
Here is what happened to him.... haha...
Here is what happened to him.... haha...
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