I finally received my copy of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child from the library. As I was perusing through it, I saw the action plan for babies 5-12 months old. Apparently they are supposed to wake up at 7:00, nap at 9:00, nap at 1:00, possibly nap at 5:00, and go to bed at 7. That's all fine and good, but when the heck am I supposed to go to the grocery store or take Addison to play with her friends? Why does it all have to be so complicated? I do like the book a lot though. This guy knows his sleep stuff.
bubbly fruit salad obsession
1 month ago
I hope you like the book...I realize everybody's baby is different, but we've stuck with Healthy Sleep Habits, and what you blogged is exactly James' schedule. I do feel like his nap routine definitely limits our schedule some days, though. I run to the grocery store between 11:00 and 1:00....and we actually love the early bedtime so we can relax a little and spend the evening together!
lol - I read the book and thought the same thing! emelyn is just now on that schedule at 9 months - at 6 months she still took 3-4 naps/day. And pretty much the only time I go out to run errands is around 11am (for 2 hours max) or after 3pm. Not fun, but just a phase (I hope!!)The early bedtime is nice though.. every night from 8pm on is our time - no tv or computer, Jake and I just spend the time talking about our day or playing games.
It is quite restricting...that was my biggest frustration during that stage with Hannah. However, I eventually came to realize it was worth honoring her sleep needs...it made us all much happier overall and was worth it!
Evelynn's sleep schedule was SUPER similar at that time. Woke up at 8, slept from 10-12 and 2-4, and then back to bed by 8. I always used to hit the ground running and would do errands in the early morning hours so I could be home with Brad for lunch and not have to go out in the afternoon. Now, however, Evelynn has stopped taking the daily afternoon toddler nap...yikes! Doesn't she know there is a baby coming??!!
I've never been one to read those kind of books but it does sound very interesting. I agree with everyone else. You and baby will be much happier if you work around her naps (inconvenient as it will be!) You are an awesome mom! Keep it up!
Have you ever read The baby Whisperer? Cheesy title, but that book has been a goldmine for our family!!! Slightly less restrictive than some of the sleep experts. It is more about routine than schedule if that makes sense. Though I will say our schedule was pretty similar to what you described. TBW is written mostly for first time moms, but I re-read the entire thing before Cooper was born and writing this comment makes me realize I need to go dig out my copy and read it again before Girlie arrives. I also found that Cooper HAD to become more flexible or we would never leave the house!!! B/c if we left when Cooper woke up from morning nap we probably wouldn't be back for the start of Drew's!! We just had to be pretty selective about when we made Cooper flex, you know? I tried hard to limit the number of days where Cooper didn't get his whole morning nap to two or three mornings a week and avoided doing it two days in a row. Seemed to work pretty well. I wish I could see you and your kids!! That would be so much fun!!
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