Those days of newborn sleep all the time bliss are definitely over for Miss Ainsley. Now she'll fall asleep while she's nursing, so I'll wrap her up when she's still very drowsy and this is what ends up happening:
Yeah that would be a "smile through the binky" smile. "Hi Mom! Don't you get it? I have to be attached to you to fall asleep. Don't you understand that by now?" Arrgh. I can't even blame it on teething!
Other than this crazy napping stuff, things are slooooowly starting to get back to normal around here. Devin has been studying like crazy for his 8 hour exam in Topuka on Friday. From what he's said, it's very intense (sort of like the bar exam for engineers). He's been studying altogether for a year now, and I know he'll do very well. I offered to quiz him and he started laughing. I guess engineer tests are a little different from learning your multiplication tables.
Anyway, I've been (sort of) good at sticking to my workout on dvr thing. It's sort of cute because Addison likes to exercise with me. She takes little mentos gum containers and lifts them very carefully like miniature hand weights. When she sees me put on my exercise shoes, she runs to get her exercise shoes.
Maybe we should be working out to Richard Simmons instead. BTW when I was in 4th grade my teacher used to have the whole class work out to Sweatin' to the Oldies.
Addison is in Dora the Explorer heaven right now because my super sweet co-worker gave her a Dora Magic Castle that her daughter didn't play with anymore. I heard her downstairs saying "Hola!" and "I love you Abuela!" It's so cute watching her play with it. We truly didn't have room for the thing in our house, but our house has been looking like Toys 'R Us for so long now, I figured one more thing couldn't hurt.
Other than the napping thing (which I'm sure we'll get figured out) Ainsley is doing very well. She's 9 and a half weeks now, smiling like crazy, cooing, and making me gush every time I look at her. I am definitely enjoying this newborn stage quite a bit more than I did with Addison.
bubbly fruit salad obsession
3 weeks ago
I love that her newborn look has kind of left and you can really start to see what she looks like! What a cutie! I can't wait to hold her!
OH my gosh, that is so cute...all of it, Ainsley's little face, Addison work-out routine, basically your life in general. You should just bask in your cuteness.
I've done Sweatin' to the Oldies more times than I can count. My mom had it and my brothers and I LOVED working out with her and Richard! LOVE the pictures of your darling baby Ainsley! I was just thinking of you this afternoon and wishing you'd post again soon!
About time you got the blog updated. Cute pics, other then the new one of you and Devin. When will Addison be old enough to take a hunter safety course and go Spring Turkey hunting?
I'm assuming that last comment was from Dad and not Mom.
i love your posts ... i feel like i'm in the same room talking as i read your blog. love, love, love it! ainsley is a heartbreaker. she's so cute. benson just sits and watches me ... hmm, maybe that's why he's a bit chunky. oh well, he's good for snuggling afterwards.
oops - i meant, " i love your posts ... it feels like WE'RE in the same room talking". :)
she is SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!! I love the smile through the binky..gets me every time :)
loved the post and REALLY love the pic of a & a in your header. so precious. it makes me sad to see how much ainsley has grown since i've seen her, which is selfish (i know). i'm miss you guys.
will you send me a copy of the binkie picture? it makes me happy every time i see it.
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