I received this cute wreath in the mail from Abbe yesterday. Isn't it pretty? She sent it because I shared our debt story on her blog a week or so ago. You can read it here if you want. I would highly recommend adding her blog to your list. She is such a gifted writer and always encourages me and inspires me. I know Abbe because Rachel and Amanda used to go to her for haircuts. She did Amanda's wedding hair.
The last couple of days haven't been so easy. My close friend's mom just passed away yesterday of Pancreatic Cancer. I haven't experienced a death in many years and it was just very difficult to watch my friend lose her mom. I was torn between gratefulness that my mom is perfectly healthy and agony because I love my friend so much and hated to see her endure something so painful. It just blows. She was one of the people I wrote that poem for.
The last few weeks have kept me busy writing a portion of a grant for the College of Southern Idaho. After I turned in all 36ish pages, I was told that the college doesn't have enough of a match to be a good candidate. Even though it was a technical issue and had nothing to do with what I turned in, I still only got half the amount of money that I had been expecting. It was such a bummer to find out that the schools that I had become so familiar with won't be getting the equipment to help them out. I was still grateful to have a nice chunk of cash to throw at our debt snowball....WHICH IS ALMOST FINISHED until a nice visit to Meineke today, in which they told me that I will be using half that money to pay for car repairs.
So it looks like it's still going to be awhile on this debt payoff. It's ok. I'm disappointed, but I'm not angry. I'm not going to be defeated. Today I am choosing joy. There are so many good things in my life, so like Amanda just did, I will go ahead and list them:
1. We had the money to pay for the car repair and didn't have to use our emergency fund
2. My mom is healthy and we see each other all the time. In fact, she's going to pick up my car-less self and take me to her place tonight.
3. Ainsley can say "baaa" when you ask her what a lamb says. Yes she may say that for all the other animals as well, but that's alright.
4. It's a beautiful day outside today, so walking home from the car place wasn't all that terrible. Addison got tired of walking, so she held Ainsley in her lap in the umbrella stroller.
5. They didn't squeal and fight sitting together in the umbrella stroller!
6. Addison can make herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
7. I found an adorable dress at Target for only $10 w/ cute shoes to match for $20 (Next post: ridding yourself of unnecessary guilt for buying said shoes)
8. Devin's work sent him to VA for business the same weekend his brother is graduating from Virginia Tech. He'll get to see his dad as well as see his brother graduate! And his company paid the airfare!
Thanks God for all the good things in my life, and give me the strength to choose joy. Please wrap Your arms around my sweet friend Alicia, and comfort her. Help me to be a good friend to her and never take the time I have with my mom(s) forgranted again. Tell her mom to tell my grandmas hi up there, and that Addison and Ainsley win in the "cutest grandkid" argument that they're having.
bubbly fruit salad obsession
1 month ago
"Today, I am chosing Joy.." That- is some Sunday morning, needed to hear-it, lightbulb moment, good stuff! I am glad you like the wreath...I like you! I will be praying for you to minister and love on your friend. Hugs
I am so sorry for your friend. I cannot (CANNOT!) imagine how I would have reacted if my mom had died instead of survived her battle with cancer. I literally have tears in my eyes just thinking about what your friend must be going through. I will certainly be praying for her and her family.
I also cannot image going through the hard things in life without Jesus. I am amazed at how He strengthens us and encourages us when we think we just can't go on.
I am so sorry about your grant! I bet that was disappointing. But, on the bright side (speaking of finding joy!) maybe this was good practice should you choose to do it again. :)
You are a great person Marie, a sunshine in my life. Thank you for laughing with me. My heart aches for Alicia.
I lost my mother almost two years ago to something that hasn't been identified. When I say it was unknown they couldnt find the exact reason she passed away. So I know what your friend is going through. It is so hard to ever think that your mom, your best friend, your provider, your leader, is not going to be with you anymore when she should be. My mom and I were not the best of friends, but you know when she got sick and I saw all the things she was going through, I forgot about it all. She is/was my mother and I could NEVER replace her. So I will definately keep your friend family in my prayer line. It is the HARDEST thing to have to overcome.
But you know what, even today I still want to pick up the phone and call her, but you know what I do. I sit down and pray and I talk to her that way. That has helped so much!!!
I like the thought: CHOOSE JOY!
I always love reading your blog...you are a gifted writer.
In the blog about the debt (access via link in this blog) you neglected to say how big a part YOU had in the budget and running of the household...Yes, you stayed home, but you also nannied full-time for a friend, coupon clipped and shopped sales, gained a great kitchen repertoire of menus, and worked part time at Baby Gap. You deserve recognition, too!
P.S. A small indulgence (a GREAT haircut) does so much for your outlook!
Team Devin/Marie are shrinking their debt and setting such a great example for others! Well done! Love you!
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